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Cozzolino L, Nicastro KR, Seuront L, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI. The relative effects of interspecific and intraspecific diversity on microplastic trapping in coastal biogenic habitats. Science of The Total Environment, 2022. pdf
Uguen M, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Gaudron SM, Spilmont N, Akoueson F, Duflos G, Seuront L. Microplastic leachates disrupt the chemotactic and chemokinetic behaviours of an ecosystem engineer (Mytilus edulis). Chemosphere, 2022. pdf
Dievart AM, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Froneman PW. Photoautotrophic euendoliths and their complex ecological effects in marine bioengineered ecosystems. Diversity, 2022. pdf
Oróstica MH, Wyness AJ, Monsinjon, JR, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Barker C, McQuaid CD. Effects of habitat quality on abundance, size and growth of mussel recruits. Hydrobiologia, 2022. pdf
Seuront L, Zardi GI, Uguen M, Bouchet VMP, Delaeter C, Henry S, Spilmont N, Nicastro KR. A whale of a plastic tale: A plea for interdisciplinary studies to tackle micro- and nanoplastic pollution in the marine realm. Science of The Total Environment, 2022. pdf
Nicastro KR, Seuront L, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI. Symbiont-induced intraspecific phenotypic variation enhances plastic trapping and ingestion in biogenic habitats. Science of The Total Environment, 2022. pdf
Ndhlovu A, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI. Parasitism by endolithic cyanobacteria reduces reproductive output and attachment strength of intertidal ecosystem engineers. Marine Biology, 2022. pdf
Rao S, Nicastro KR, Casero M, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI. A 6-year survey of plastic ingestion by aquatic birds in southern Portugal. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2022. pdf
Seuront L, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI. Heads in the clouds: On the carbon footprint of conference-seeded publications in the advancement of knowledge. Ecology and Evolution, 2022. pdf
Calazans SH. Lourenço CR, Nicastro KR, Tagliaro CH, Zardi GI, Ferreira CEL, da C. Fernandes F, Silva EP, Hoffman EA. Unlocking the history of a trans-Atlantic invader: Did the human slave trade impact Brown mussel dispersal? Journal of Biogeography, 2022. pdf
Ma KCK, Gusha MNC, Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Monsinjon JR, McQuaid CD. Biogeographic drivers of distribution and abundance in an alien ecosystem engineer: Transboundary range expansion, barriers to spread, and spatial structure. Journal of Biogeography, 2022. pdf
Zardi GI, Monsinjon JR, McQuaid CD, Seuront L, Orostica M, Want A, Firth LB, Nicastro KR. Foul‐weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment. Global Change Biology, 2022. pdf
Cozzolino L, de los Santos CB, Zardi GI, Repetto L, Nicastro KR. Microplastics in commercial bivalves harvested from intertidal seagrasses and sandbanks in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2022. pdf
Monsinjon RJ, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR, Seuront L, Oróstica MH, Zardi GI. Weather and topography regulate the benefit of a conditionally helpful parasite. Functional ecology, 2022. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, de Jager M, van de Koppel J, Seuront L. Density-dependent and species-specific effects on self-organization modulate the resistance of mussel bed ecosystems to hydrodynamic stress. American Naturalist, pdf
Ndhlovu A, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI. Community succession in phototrophic shell-degrading endoliths attacking intertidal mussels. Journal of Molluscan Studies, pdf
Velez N, Nicastro KR , McQuaid CD, Zardi GI. Small scale habitat effects on anthropogenic litter material and sources in a coastal lagoon system. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020. pdf
Ma KCK, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR. Historical and contemporary range expansion of an invasive mussel, Semimytlius algosus, in Angola and Namibia despite data scarcity in an infrequently surveyed region. PLoS One, 2020. pdf
Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Dievart A, Zardi GI. Intraspecific diversity in an ecological engineer functionally trumps interspecific diversity in shaping community structure. Science of the Total Environment, 2020. pdf
Cozzolino L, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, de los Santos CB. Species-specific plastic accumulation in the sediment and canopy of coastal vegetated habitats. Science of the Total Environment, 2020. pdf
Ntuli N, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Assis J, McQuaid CD, Teske PR. Rejection of the genetic implications of the “Abundant Centre Hypothesis” in marine mussels. Scientific Reports, 2020. pdf
Lourenço CR, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Krug LA, Zardi GI. Strong upwelling conditions drive differences in species abundance and community composition along the Atlantic coasts of Morocco and Western Sahara. Marine Biodiversity, 2020. pdf
Nicastro KR, Assis J, Serrão EA, Pearson GA, Neiva J, Valero M, Jacinto R, Zardi GI. Congruence between fine-scale genetic breaks and dispersal potential in an estuarine seaweed across multiple transition zones. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2020. pdf
Seuront L, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Goberville E. Decreased thermal tolerance under recurrent heat stress conditions explains summer mass mortality of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Scientific Reports, 2019. pdf Velez N, Zardi GI, Lo Savio R, McQuaid CD, Valbusa U, Sabour B, Nicastro KR. A baseline assessment of beach macrolitter and microplastics along northeastern Atlantic shores. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019. pdf
Kolzenburg R, Nicastro KR, McCoy SJ, Ford A, Zardi GI, Ragazzola F. Understanding the margin squeeze: Differentiation in fitness-related traits between central and trailing edge populations of Corallina officinalis. Ecology and Evolution, 2019. pdf
Ndhlovu A, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR, Marquet N, Gektidis M, Monaco C, Zardi GI. Biogeographical patterns of endolithic infestation in an invasive and an indigenous intertidal marine ecosystem engineer. Diversity, 2019. pdf
Basto MN, Nicastro KR,Tavares AI, McQuaid CD, Casero M, Azevedo F, Zardi GI. Plastic ingestion in aquatic birds in Portugal. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019. pdf
Monteiro C, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Serrão E, Pearson AP, Nicastro KR. Canopy microclimate modification in central and marginal populations of a marine macroalga. Marine Biodiversity, 2019. pdf
Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Zardi GI. Between a rock and a hard place: combined effect of trampling and phototrophic shell-degrading endoliths in marine intertidal mussels. Marine Biodiversity, 2018. pdf
Tavares AI, Nicastro KR, Kolzenburg R, Ragazzola F, Jacinto R, Zardi GI. Isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite markers for the red alga Corallina officinalis. Molecular biology reports, 2018. pdf
Nicastro KR, Lo Savio R, McQuaid CD, Madeira P, Lourenço C, Valbusa U, Azevedo F, Casero M, Zardi GI. Plastic ingestion in aquatic-associated bird species in southern Portugal. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018. pdf
Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Jacinto R, Lourenço C, Serrão E, Nicastro KR. Reassessing the origins of the invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in southern Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2018. pdf
Lourenço C, Nicastro KR, MCQuaid CD, Chefaoui RM, Assis J, Taleb MZ, Zardi GI. Evidence for rangewide panmixia despite multiple barriers to dispersal in a marine mussel. Scientific Reports, 2017. pdf
Lourenço C, Nicastro KR, MCQuaid CD, Sabour B, Zardi GI. Latitudinal incidence of phototrophic sell-degrading endoliths and their effects on mussels beds microclimates. Marine Biology, 2017. pdf
Almeida SC, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI , Pearson GA, Valero M, Serrão EA. Reproductive strategies and population genetic structure of Fucus spp. across a northeast Atlantic biogeographic transition. Aquatic Living Resources, 2017. pdf
Helmuth B, Choi F, Matzelle A, Torossian JL, Morello SL, Mislan KAS, Yamane L, Strickland D, Szathmary PL, Gilman SE, Tockstein A, Hilbish TJ, Burrows MT, Power AM, Gosling E, Mieszkowska N, Harley CDG, Nishizaki M, Carrington E, Menge B, Petes L, Foley MM, Johnson A, Poole M, Noble MM, Richmond EL, Robart M, Robinson J, Sapp J, Sones J, Broitman BR, Denny MW, Mach KJ, Miller LP, O’Donnell M, Ross P, Hofmann GE, Zippay M, Blanchette C, Macfarlan JA, Carpizo-Ituarte E, Ruttenberg B, Peña Mejía CE, McQuaid CD, Lathlean J, Monaco CJ, Nicastro KR, Zardi G. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data, 2016. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, MCQuaid CD, Ng TPT, Lathlean JA, Seuront L. Enemies with benefits: parasitic endoliths protect mussels against heat stress. Scientific Reports, 2016. pdf Lathlean J, Seuront L, McQuaid CD, Ng TPT, Zardi GI, Nicastro KR. Size and position (sometimes) matter: small-scale patterns of heat-stress associated with two co-occurring mussels with different thermoregulatory behaviour. Marine Biology, 2016. pdf
Saada G., Nicastro KR, Jacinto R, McQuaid CD, Serrão E A, Pearson GA, Zardi GI. Taking the heat: distinct vulnerability to thermal stress of central and threatened peripheral lineages of a marine macroalga. Diversity Distribution, 2016. pdf
Lourenço CR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Serrão EA, Pearson GA, Jacinto R, Nicastro KR. Upwelling areas as climate change refugia for the distribution and genetic diversity of a marine macroalga. Journal of Biogeography, 2016. pdf
Lathlean JA, Seuront L, McQuaid CD, Ng TPT, Zardi GI, NicastroKR. Cheating the locals: invasive mussels steal and benefit from the cooling effect of indigenous mussels. Plos One, 2016. pdf
McQuaid CD, Porri F, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI. Simple, scale-dependent patterns emerge from very complex effects: an example from the intertidal mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perna perna. Oceanography and Marine Biology - An Annual Review, 2015. pdf
Assis J, Zupan M, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Serrão EA. Oceanographic conditions limit the spread of a marine invader along southern African shores. PLoS One, 2015. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Castilho R, Costa J, Serrão EA, Pearson GA. Intraspecific genetic lineages of a marine mussel show behavioural divergence and spatial segregation over a tropical/subtropical biogeographic transition. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015. pdf Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Serrão EA, Jacinto R, Monteiro CA, GA Pearson. Closer to the rear edge: ecology and genetic diversity down the core-edge gradient of a marine macroalga. Ecosphere, 2015. pdf
Lourenço CR, Nicastro KR, Serrão EA, Castilho R, Zardi GI. Behind the mask: cryptic genetic diversity of Mytilus galloprovincialis along southern European and northern African shores. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2015. pdf
Cunha RL, Nicastro KR, Costa JF, McQuaid CD, Serrão EA, Zardi GI. Wider sampling reveals a non-sister relationship for geographically contiguous lineages of a marine mussel. Ecology and Evolution, 2014.pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Costa JF, Serrão EA, Pearson GA.Broad scale agreement between intertidal habitats and adaptive traits on a basis of contrasting population genetic structure. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013. pdf
Teske PR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR. Two sides of the same coin: extinctions and originations across the Atlantic/Indian Ocean boundary as consequences of the same climate oscillation. Frontiers of Biogeography, 2013. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Teixeira S, Neiva J, Serrão EA, Pearson GA. Shift happens: trailing edge contraction associated with recent warming trends threatens a distinct genetic lineage in the marine macroalga Fucus vesiculosus. BMC Biology, 2013. pdf
Marquet N, Nicastro KR, Gektidis M, McQuaid CD, Pearson GA, Serrão EA, Zardi GI. Comparison of phototrophic shell-degrading endoliths in invasive and native populations of the intertidal mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Biol Invasion, 2013. pdf
Coelho NC, Zardi GI, Pearson GA, Serrão EA, Nicastro KR. Characterization of ten highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for the intertidal mussel Perna perna, and cross species amplification within the genus. BMC Research Notes, 2012. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Pearson GA, Serrão EA. Love thy neighbour: group properties of gaping behaviour in mussel aggregations. PLoS One, 2012. pdf
Lourenço C, Nicastro KR, Serrão EA, Zardi GI. First record of the brown mussel (Perna perna) from the European Atlantic coast. Marine Biodiversity Record, 2012. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Canovas F, Costa JF, Serrão EA, Pearson GA.Adaptive traits are maintained on steep selective gradients despite gene flow and hybridization in the intertidal zone. PLoS One, 2011. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Hancke L, Helmuth B. The combination of selection and dispersal helps explain genetic structure in intertidal mussels. Oecologia, 2011. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Stephens L, Radloff S, Blatch GL. The role of gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels. BMC Ecol, 2010. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD. Differential reproductive investment, attachment strength and mortality of invasive and indigenous mussels across heterogeneous environments. Biol Invasion, 2010. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, M Gektidis. Effects of endolithic parasitism on invasive and indigenous mussels in a variable physical environment. PLoS One, 2009.pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD.Movement behaviour and mortality in invasive and indigenous mussels: resilience and resistance strategies at different spatial scales. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 2008. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Teske PR, Barker NP. Coastal topography drives genetic structure in marine mussels. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 2008. pdf
Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR, Erlandsson J.Sand and wave induced mortality in invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and indigenous (Perna perna) mussels. Mar Biol, 2008. pdf
Teske PR, Papadopoulos I, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Griffiths CL, Edkins MT, Barker NP. Implications of life history on genetic structure and migration rates of five southern Africa coastal invertebrates: planktonic, abbreviated and direct development. Mar Biol, 2007. pdf
Porri F, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Radloff S. Tidal height, rather than habitat selection for conspecifics, controls settlement in mussels. Mar Biol, 2007. pdf
Zardi GI, Teske PR, McQuaid CD, Barker NP. Unexpected genetic structure of indigenous Perna perna and invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis mussel populations in South Africa. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 2007. pdf
Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD.Behavioural response of invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and indigenous (Perna perna) mussels exposed to risk of predation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 2007. pdf
Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Nicastro KR. Balancing survival and reproduction: seasonality of attachment strength and reproductive output in indigenous (Perna perna) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) mussels. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 2007. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Rius M, Porri F.Hydrodynamic stress and habitat partitioning between indigenous (Perna perna) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) mussels: constraints of an evolutionary strategy. Mar Biol, 2006. pdf
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Porri F, McQuaid CD. Sand stress as a non-determinant of habitat segregation of indigenous (Perna perna) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) mussels in South Africa. Mar Biol, 2006. pdf
Zimmermann P, Zardi G, Lehmann M, Zeder C, Amrhein N, Frossard E, Bucher M. Engineering the root-soil interface via targeted expression of a synthetic phytase gene in trichoblasts. Plant Biotechnol J 1: 353-360, 2003.
Bucher M, Brunner S, Zimmermann P, Zardi G, Amrhein N, Willmitzer L, Riesmeier JW. The expression of an extensin-like protein correlates with cellular tip growth in tomato. Plant Physiol 128: 911-923, 2002.